Summer Swim League vs. Long Course Season
Swimmers in the lower practice groups (bronze, silver and gold) may choose to swim in a summer recreational league. The local summer league is NOT affiliated with USA swimming, and times achieved in these meets will not apply to your swimmers qualifying times. Many SPA swimmers will participate in summer league while also practicing with SPA. Swimmers who choose not to practice with SPA in the summer because of summer swim league can drop out of SPA for the summer.
SPA sponsors the summer swim league championship meet at the Drury pool. Whether or not your swimmer is participating in summer league, all families are requested to work at the summer league championship meet.
Long Course Season: SPA participates in summer Long Course season. These USA Swimming sanctioned meets are very similar to the fall/spring short course season, but are swam in a 50 meter pool. Some meets are held indoors, but others are held in outdoor pools. Swimmers can swim in summer Long Course season and Summer Swim League if they choose. Once a swimmer is consistently making BB or better times, SPA encourages them to swim Summer Long Course.