Parking, Drop-Off, and Pick-Up
Free parking is available across the street from the pool next to the football field on Summit Ave. Parents of SPA swimmers should not park in the lot directly next to the pool. During basketball season, there will be days when the parking lots are blocked off for people attending the game. On those days, parking is available at the far-east end of the parking lot or on Drury Lane. Parents should not park in the parking lot just north of the pool which is usually gated with a wooden arm.
Parents are welcome to drop off and pick up their swimmer by the sidewalk next to the pool on Summit Ave. So swimmers don’t have to cross the street, it’s recommended that all drop-off’s be done on the West side of the street (going south). Parents may stay in the pool or commuter lounge area during practice, or may pick up their swimmer after practice. If parents are dropping off and picking up, please be at the pool at least 10 minutes before the end of practice. Coaches cannot leave the pool area until all swimmers have been picked up. After a long day of working and coaching, waiting for a late parent can be frustrating. If your swimmer is dropped off, please make sure he/she has a cell-phone and a number where you can be reached.
Locker Rooms for Swimmers
Locker Rooms are available for swimmers ONLY. Restrooms are available for parents in the old Weiser Gym which is connected to the Breech Pool. Locker Rooms are available for swimmers to shower and change after practice. Boys use the locker room across from the coaches’ offices. Girls may use the locker room across from the vending machines. Neither locker room is locked, so they should always be accessible to SPA swimmers. PLEASE REMIND YOUR SWIMMER TO KEEP THE LOCKER ROOMS CLEAN! Using the locker rooms is a privilege, and if swimmers do not keep them clean they may lose access.
Swimmers should not leave their swim bags in the locker room during practice, but instead should leave their bag on the bleachers in the swim area. Springfield Aquatics is not responsible for any items lost or stolen in the locker rooms. Each season, swimmers leave many towels, suits, goggles and other gear in the locker room, bleachers and by the pool. Please help your swimmer gather their gear after each practice.
Due to USA Swimming policies and guidelines, locker rooms are only to be used by the swimmers. If parents are needing to use the restroom, they should use the restrooms in the Weiser Gym that is connected to the Drury pool.
Free Wi-Fi Available at the Pool
Free Wi-Fi is available in the pool and commuter lounge area for parents of SPA swimmers. Parents should use the DU-Guest Wi-Fi account.