Information about SPA and High School Swimming

The high school swimmer is placed on high school leave during their high school season. The swimmer remains an active member of SPA and with High School Coach's permission can attend practices and meets.

Registration - You must register during the registration period to remain a SPA member, If you do not register your account will be suspended and you are no longer an active SPA member. A spot on the team will not be held for you.

Dues during High School Season - Dues for HS Boys are waived for August, September, and October. Dues for HS Girls are waived for November, December, and January.

Please be sure to email Patti Callaway at or click the "Contact SPA" link; that you are going on high school leave for Boys by July 20 and Girls by October 20 each year.  The account will be turned back on automatically at the end of each high school season.  If you do not plan to return to SPA after high school swimming please specify when you request high school swim leave.

Practices and Meets - While in high school swimming you can still practice with SPA and participate in meets. (Must have HS Coach's approval.)

Times made during High School Swimming - Two meets in swimming are observed by USA Swimming and can be used for entry into USA meets. These 2 meets are the SWMO Conference meet and the State meet. SPA will make arrangements to have all active team member's swims observed and entered into the USA Swimming database - SWIMS.