Springfield Aquatics (hereinafter “SPA) is using “Social Media” which covers all web-based applications that permit sharing and collaboration of information via internet communities, social networking sites, video sharing sites and others.  SPA has drafted the following policies and procedures to help its coaches, swimmers and parents understand the unique issues raised by this evolving communication tool.  SPA is committed to providing an environment that is safe and encourages the use of computers and electronic information tools to support the organization and its swimmers.  SPA utilizes email to inform and communicate with its swimmers and parents and coaches and the swimming community.  SPA utilizes social networking sites, such as Facebook/Instagram for the purposes referenced the preceding sentence, and to acknowledge participation and the accomplishments of the SPA team and its affiliates.  It is the primary purpose of these policies and procedures to ensure that all social media will be respectful, responsive, inclusive, and courteous.  SPA’s Head Coach is responsible for password security and regular checking/monitoring the SPA team’s posts to ensure that they are in line with the primary purpose of these policies.  It is understood that SPA’s Head Coach may delegate the collection and posting of social media to other appropriate individuals with his/her oversight.  It is understood that not all swimmers will be featured in media posts and that it will be at the discretion of the coaches, which pictures/accomplishments will be featured on the SPA team’s social media posts, with the Head Coach having final decision authority.  It is important to recognize that all SPA team’s posts are to entertain, inform and educate, however, humor shall be utilized only when appropriate and shall not be utilized to belittle or embarrass members of the team, parents, or others (unless it’s very funny and in good humor and approved by the Head Coach).    Posts that are made by a person or persons delegated by the Head Coach may be taken down by the Head Coach at his/her sole discretion.   SPA will do its best to ensure copyright “owners” for posted text or images are credited as appropriate when such information is known.  SPA will do its best to honor all differences and not discriminate.  No person posting with the Head Coach’s authorization will attempt to speak on behalf of the organization beyond acknowledging and/or describing the content of the image or post.   Persons posting shall refrain from any online activities that could reasonably place SPA or its affiliates in a negative light or that might negatively impact their reputation.