Arkansas Swimming
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SPA Team
Coaching Staff
Board Members
Group Descriptions
Master's Swimming
Team Records
SPA Parents
Swimming Apps
HS Swimming
Practice/Racing Suit
Long Course/Summer League
Meet Registration
When to Compete
First Meet
Getting Swim Times
Time Standards
Championship Meets
SPA Spirit Store
Safe Sport
SPA Grievance Policy
SPA Bullying Policy
SPA Code of Conduct
SPA Parent Code of Conduct
SPA Coaches Code of Conduct
SPA Athlete Code of Conduct
SPA Travel Waiver
SPA Team Wear Policy
SPA Social Media Policy
SPA Athlete Protection Guidelines
SPA Massage Therapist Permission Form
SPA Lodging with Minor Athlete Form
SPA Local Travel Permission Form
SPA Minor Athlete Travel Form
Practice Schedule
Meet Registration and Events
Team Registration
SPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit. All of your donations to SPA are tax deductible. Donations are used for various items, such as assisting a SPA family that may need assistance for a short period of time, providing gear for kids who need assistance and a variety of other avenues.
SPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit. All of your donations to SPA are tax deductible. Donations are used for various items, such as assisting a SPA family that may need assistance for a short period of time, providing gear for kids who need assistance and a variety of other avenues.
SPA Gear Shop
Sponsors & Partners
1025 North Summit
(park across the street, next to the football field)
Springfield, MO 65802
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